Name: Justin Howard Kusnandar
Position: Melbourne University Student, Studying Horticulture
*don't feel like doing that "Hi my name is .... " and all that cra.....*ehm* nonsense.
O.K so... Weed Annihilation.
Ummm what......? Isn't that a little harsh ??
Well 'Weed Annihilation' is actually referring to my current part time job, which is basically to eradicate the weeds on their backyard since it just massively invaded the land leaving no area to plant.
Weeds are basically misplaced plants after all, There are a lot of use full weeds such as Agonis flexuosa and ornamental ones like crocosmia xcrocosmiiflora, they just tend to be invasive that's all :D
So yeah, the weeds I wanted to annihilate are currently the super annoying ones (that are extremely invasive) such as Urtica diocia and Hedera helix (my worst enemy in pruning!!).
Which is why this blog is called Weed Annihilation (\(O,...,o )/)!
LOL Don't worry, one day you'll win the war against Hedera helix. One day.